Happy Tuesday of a (hopefully) short holiday week! Contributing writer Laurren here. Today, I want to talk about my first and longest-running Pinterest search: DIY headboards.
You know when you’re decorating a room, like, say, a living room, and there’s that one piece of furniture you’re not really stoked on (for me it’s always a chair) but overall the room is still pretty good, so you take your sweet time replacing it? Bedrooms aren’t like that. The bed is pretty much the main event there—you can’t have a bad headboard/bed and a good room, so it’s important you get it right. But they’re also expensive, which may lead you down the path of many who dared to venture before you: “Can I DIY it?”
Eight years ago, that very thought sent me down a Pinterest rabbit hole from which I’ve never resurfaced. It’s not that there aren’t DIY projects out there, there just aren’t a lot of good ones. (“Good” to me means something I can make in a weekend and would want to buy if I saw it in a store. Basically, a DIY headboard that doesn’t scream DIY…or involve a crash course in woodworking and a shed full of power tools.)
Since I suspect I’m not alone in my hunt—and because I know you guys are great DIY-ers as evidenced here and here and here—I thought I’d share with you the EHD-approved fruits of my Pinterest labor.
So here it is, 12 totally doable headboard ideas you might actually want to DIY (this weekend?)…no wood pallets, barn doors, or old shutters in sight.

First up is the headboard Velinda designed for the team’s most recent Flash Makeover to spruce up and customize a bunk bed. All the DIY details are over on that blog post and remember, it can go straight on a wall (instead of the wood back of a bunk bed). How fun would this be in a geometric or floral print, too?

Using a copper pipe, bits of leather, and two denim floor cushions from Urban Outfitters (though no longer available), designer Sarah Sherman Samuel crafted this cozy headboard for a nook in a guest bedroom—and we love it.

This project is similar in style to Sarah’s, but its creator, Anna Kovalchenko, made the blue cushions instead of using a readymade option. Another plus to a DIY hanging headboard like this? If you take a risk with color and tire from it quickly, you’re not out big bucks. Just switch it out with something new. (We’d love to see this tutorial executed in a patterned fabric.)

Who doesn’t love an IKEA hack? Caroline of Burkatron made this beginner-friendly headboard using a $12 IKEA Ivar end panel and some cane webbing. (She seriously just stapled the webbing to the frame and trimmed the excess with scissors—so smart!) We love this project as is, but it would also be fun to experiment with painting the frame black. (If you need help visualizing, check out this piece from Urban Outfitters.)

A bit more labor intensive than the previous projects, this 8 foot-DIY is the brainchild of Arizona-based designer Katie Hastings. She crafted these canopy headboards for her twin boys’ bedroom after not being able to find something similar in stores. (We love that she chose a fun, graphic pattern for this more traditional headboard style.) To get the rundown on how to make your own, check out Katie’s story highlights on her Instagram account.

Have two hours to spare? That’s all the time you need to whip up this colorful headboard by Tegan and Lindsay of the blog Treasures and Travels. This DIY is super versatile (think of all the fun color possibilities!) and no previous weaving experience is needed (just make sure you have a little space to stretch out).

Looking to break up a patterned wall or add a little texture to your space? This clever DIY—another genius idea by Sarah Sherman Samuel—is as simple as nailing a few jute mats and runners to a wall. (Seriously!)

Ah, the project that launched a thousand Pins! This obviously wouldn’t be a DIY headboard roundup if we didn’t include THE DIY of all DIYs, Brady’s channel tufted creation. It looks like a lot of work—and it will take some time—but skill-wise, Brady says it’s really not too bad once you break it down. You can use any fabric you want as long as it’s upholstery weight, which brings us to our next DIY…

Grace Bonney of Design*Sponge and her wife, Julia, tackled Brady’s DIY for their master bedroom using a spotted indigo fabric, and the results are stunning. Instead of covering the box spring to match, as Brady did, they opted to pair the headboard with a white platform bed.

A simple (and doable!) wingback-style headboard is a hard DIY to find. Most are not very beginner friendly or are covered in nailhead trim, which we suspect in the case of a DIY is less about style and more about hiding imperfections. That’s what makes this project by Angela Rose Home so great—not only is it beautiful, but it also requires zero sewing skills. Make it extra easy on yourself by having your local hardware store pre-cut all the wood pieces for you.

Okay, so we’re not 100 percent sure how this headboard was made—the house is an Airbnb that Dana Miller stayed at and photographed to feature on her blog House*Tweaking—but from what we can tell, it’s likely as simple as cutting a piece of plywood to size, wrapping it in batting, placing a vintage wool blanket over the front and stapling it taught in the back. The shelves are likely attached with a bolt and washer from behind (make sure to predrill those holes in both the shelves as well as the wood piece of the headboard…oh and the fabric).

This headboard by Mandy of Fabric Paper Glue was built to accommodate the low walls and pitched ceilings of her attic master bedroom, but we think it would be beautiful in any space. Even better? The whole thing cost her just under $200.
Okay, that’s it! Have you DIYed your own headboard? We’d love to see it! Make sure to share it on Instagram using our #ShowEmYourDIY and #ShowEmYourStyled.
**Looking for more DIY inspiration? Check out all our DIY posts here.
I love this post! They’re so beautiful and doable. I’ve also been thinking about banquette ideas, and I think some of these could work as DIY backs for a banquette. Thank you!
OH totally! smart!
I love this post too! I miss some of your past DIY’s! I’m always down for a good DIY post with results that don’t look “crafty” or too homemade. These are great! (I still have an old jewelry DIY that I got from you a long time ago with little square wood blocks and skinny brass rods). 🙂
How are there no responses yet? Anyway. It’s like you guys got into my brain and said Hmm let’s talk headboards. And bam there’s a post!
I’m so so excited about Angela’s wingback headboard! I’m planning on doing this with slightly custom dimensions to work with my adjustable bed base, and using fabric to match the gray tweedy bed base, so it will finally look like something decent. THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR READING MY MIND! I’m leaving here inspired and excited to get started. ?
so glad to help! Always in the business of trying to read minds here. 😉
These are really great! I like the color & pillow combos in the last one, the wool stripe blanket, & the caning. Not least because I have those beds.
Great ideas!
I have been looking for a great base for beds that are not metal…something affordable but more finished looking. Any ideas welcomed. I’ve looked at Ikea and the basics like Wayfair.
These are amazing! Love these DIYs! I’m so inspired to try this on the ultra cheap IKEA bed frame in my guestroom.
Hmmm I love most but some not so much. Some look very DIY- but not in a good way. Brady’s will always be a favorite! And SSS is so talented!
Lots of good ideas! I’m using an older brass headboard that I don’t like very much, so I love the idea of creating a cushion I can attach to the front (kind of like the first two pictures). Thanks for the round up!
I did that Ikea hack with the cane webbing a year ago, but I also screwed two wooden finials into the top and painted the frame olive green. I love how it turned out. 🙂
OHHHHHHH Please more awesome diy round ups!! This was great