HEY, HI, HELLO. Gonna be really earnest for a second – I’m very nervous (and honestly, a little insecure!) about today’s reveal. Here’s the thing: back in June, Jess and I embarked on a race to finish our balconies. And Jess, well, she KNOCKED IT OUT OF THE FREAKIN’ PARK. Her space is elevated and magazine-worthy and high-end and luxurious and my apartment…it’s just different, you know? Like, Jess’ view is of a stunning clear blue sky and treetops and flowers and my view is of, uh, a drive-thru, a major road, and a car wash. Jackpot, baby!!!
And, I mean, you’re on the internet. You read design blogs. I can’t be alone in this self-imposed comparison, right? I think the sentiment’s gotta be pretty pervasive – like, my space should look JUST like that, even though our homes are completely different – and even though I technically have a microphone, I am by no means immune!!! But all that said, when I get out of my head, I built a functional, practical, cohesive space that makes me really happy. It fits my needs and it fits my friends (speaking of friends…I hope you’ll like those shots at the bottom :)) and at the end of the day, that’s all a girl can ask for. I didn’t reinvent the wheel here, but I think that’s okay. Let me remind you of where I started…

Welcome to my tiny outdoor prison! It is simultaneously charming and bizarre. On one hand, I’m very lucky to have an outdoor space. On the other hand, WHY ARE THESE BARS LIKE THIS? I lived with this sparse configuration – a bunch of succulents still in their planter pots, arranged in an attempt to gain a modicum of privacy, paired with this lone vintage IKEA chair – for almost two years.
And I mean, it was fine. But also, it wasn’t. Somehow, every. single. man. I had ever deemed worthy of coming to my apartment always made an immediate beeline for the balcony. “Woah, you have an outdoor space,” they’d proclaim. “Let’s sit here and people watch,” they’d continue. I, however, did not want to sit out on the balcony. I did not want to people watch. I did not want to awkwardly haul out a random stool/dining chair/pouf so we could both sit on opposite ends of this 10′ x 4′ space. NO BUENO.
I tell you this because the desire to actually work on this weird little space was sparked by one of those aforementioned men. (Alternatively: I tell you this because I kiiiind of treat the blog like my own personal diary at this point. Y’all know me better than anyone I know in real life!!!) ANYWAY. This man came over to make dinner and upon plating, his lone sentiment was basically like, “hey, your apartment is a million degrees right now, do you think we could sit outside so I do not feel like I’m boiling on the surface of the sun?”

And guys, THAT WAS MY INSPIRATION MOMENT. If this guy could figure out how to make soft pretzels from scratch WHILE MY OVEN WAS BROKEN (true story; the soft pretzels were my request; my pilot light was shot; he fried them, I think??? They were amazing!), I could buy a bistro set. Or at least another outdoor chair. I could make an effort, you know?
It got my wheels turning a little bit. Why not also grab some outdoor curtains, while I’m at it, so I could try to enjoy a sliver of privacy? I’d been catcalled previously by random dudes standing in the Jack in the Box parking lot next to my house, and I dreamed of *not* making distant eye contact with strangers when I’m just trying to water plants or read books. Plus, it’d be pretty nice to not feel like I’m staring down and directly at my neighbors while they cleaned their cars or garages. The race with Jess was exactly what I needed to take this space from, well, nothing, to kind of functional. Which brings us to now…ARE YOU READY?

Wallpaper | Cat (similar) | Curtains
I’M NOT. We’re staying inside for a second. Sorry for the tease, but I have an important announcement to make!!! I don’t think I’ve ever formally introduced her on the blog, but this is Buffalo! (Known aliases: “Fluffabo,” “the littlest lady in the whole world,” “tumbleweed generator,” et al.) I adopted her during an impromptu shelter trip almost a decade ago – she was scheduled to be put down at the end of the day after being returned twice – and she has repaid me by permanently attaching herself to my person at all times. She is essentially a dog in a cat’s body (down to the whole “I will sit in the window and stare at the street until my owner returns, at which point I will greet them in a celebratory fashion”) and I love her very much. OK ENOUGH ABOUT CATS. (…unless you wanna talk more in the comments???) DESIGN TIME.
First: the curtains. You see those little guys there in the background? GAME. CHANGER. They were my jumping-off point for the space, seeing as I wanted to hide the fact that the balcony could be listed on Peerspace as a prison backdrop. Plus, I figured that the black stripes were a fun and graphic way to play into the whole black iron bar thing. If you can’t fix it, feature it! 🙂 Added bonus: by putting my curtains outside, I’ve eschewed indoor curtains. I love my wall of windows (and I love all the work that my wallpaper installer did to fit paper into the tiniest nooks and crannies!), so I didn’t want to cover up any piece of it. Putting my window treatments outside means that I get to enjoy my dining room in all its wallpapered glory. 🙂

Originally, I bought some cheap striped curtain panels from Overstock but the quality was ROUGH, they were basically gauze, and the print was only on one side. I was really disappointed and reached out to Ballard Design on a whim because they carried the high-quality Sunbrella curtains that I really wanted to use. It’s always kind of weird and nerve-wracking asking a business for help (“SOS, I’m on a deadline, I would save up and buy these under any other circumstance, I swear!”), but I was SO EXCITED when they were like, “yeah, girl, we got you!” WHAT A DREAM, RIGHT?
I ended up grabbing 4 of these 96″ Sunbrella panels to fit my 10′ space and WOW. WOWEE. HOORAY. I love them very, very much. They have the perfect amount of light filtering for me (not blackout, not sheer – just right!) and they’re weighted, so they stay in place (even during those CRAZY windstorms we’ve been having here in LA lately). I’m so happy with them aesthetically, but I also love them for temperature control reasons – they kept my balcony cooler during the summer days, and they help keep it a little toastier now that it’s freezing (or, uh, 65 degrees) outside. If you have any type of outdoor space with a ceiling or two solid walls, I cannot recommend curtains enough – I’m a lifer now. (PS. I hung them with a tension rod which I do not recommend – if I did this all again, I’d buy an actual curtain rod. The one I got was like $50 but it’s also bowing, so I’m gonna have to get a real rod soon. Learn from my mistakes!)

THAT’S NOT IT – we got a bistro set, to boot! I grabbed this brass table from CB2 on sale and it’s a great size for the space (only about 2′ wide). I love the way it reflects light in the afternoon – you can kind of see it in the earlier photos! – but man, it’s a pain to keep clean. It’s kind of textured so it traps dirt and dust like nobody’s business and the finish gets kind of wonky if you don’t clean up spills immediately. (Case in point: the base of this table may or may not have seen its fair share of, uh, burrito content spills over the past four months, and you can kind of tell.) All that said, the pros outweigh the cons for me – I’d buy it again in a heartbeat (and at full price, too, which is saying something!). If you’re in need of a petite statement table, this one is a slam dunk.
The chairs from Target are great, too. They’re super narrow – only 14″ wide, I think – but they feel like a great size and scale for the space. They come in sets of two, they’re super affordable (only $125 for the pair!) and they’re SO easy to clean. I got the matte black version, but there are a ton of color options available. I’ve sat in that back chair for almost every meal for the past 4 months and it’s been such a treat – I wish I had set something up out here sooner. For what it’s worth, you can often find this table and these chairs on Facebook Marketplace if you’re open to waiting and looking to save a little 🙂

Plates | Bowl | Pitcher | Glasses
HOW GOOD IS THAT PITCHER? It’s not mine, but I wish it was. It’s the Wave Pitcher by Sophie Lou Jacobson and I straight up screamed when Bowser pulled it out – she had purchased it for a different project but joked that it was probably destined to end up styling this space. The price tag is no joke but it’s so special and statement-y and beautiful (plus, it feels amazing to hold). Someday I, too, will own a wave pitcher. JUST YOU WAIT.
I love those plates and bowls, too. They’re from Justina Blakeney’s recent Target drop and they’re so weird and fun and graphic. There were five people present at my house for this shoot (me, Sara, Bowser, Mal, and Erik) and three of us had already purchased the full set of this style – there were serving dishes and big bowls, too, but I think they sold out! – which is so fun. I was kind of shocked by how weighty they felt and I can’t wait to layer them with my vintage dinnerware moving forward.
I’ve been swooning over those 70s-style stackable glasses for months, too. They’re Bowser’s – we sourced them early in the summer from Food52 for the PRESS Seltzer shoot – and again, I basically yawped when I spotted them in her huge trunk of glassware. (All of my glassware is either pink or shaped like an ice cream cone, which is why she had to bring her full #styliststash.)

But now, I wanna talk about two things I love and one thing I, uh, DO NOT CARE FOR. (It’s a wild feeling to put your house on the internet while you’re like, “by the way, I’M NOT HAPPY WITH IT YET!!!”) On the bright side: I absolutely love my boxwood topiary. It’s silly and graphic and bold, but it’s also kind of timeless and bougie (annnnnd I have a little bit of a thing for topiaries, in case you haven’t noticed :)). It slid right into an old pot I had and it makes me smile every time I look out the window.
I’m also a huge fan of that rattan mirror from Studio McGee’s Target line. It’s on a northern facing wall and the construction of my building kind of prevents it from getting any direct sun, but it’s just a really fun addition to the space. I especially love it at night time when the curtains are drawn – I have a vintage amber globe ceiling light (it was on for this whole shoot, oops!) and that soft light reflected in this mirror just makes the whole space seem so warm and cozy. Plus, it does a great job of reflecting the texture of the loveseat I ended up grabbing for the space 🙂
And now, the moment we’ve been waiting for – the one thing I don’t love…is…THIS. FREAKING. RUNNER. I like it a lot in theory – and it was SUPER affordable and the black border-meets-jute thing kind of in line with the whole “classic Beverly Hills Hotel/regency” vibe – but geez, it looks like it’s been through a war after four months of pretty gentle use. Long term, I’d like to find something a little wider (but it needs to have an ultra-low pile to allow for door clearance, which is tough for outdoor rugs!) that’s a little more vibrant, but for now, this works. It keeps my feet from rubbin’ straight on my weird tile and I’ll take it. Finished is better than perfect, right? (Not linking because you shouldn’t buy it. Would love any outdoor runner recs if you have one to share!)

Which brings us to the other side of the room. I had originally planned to use a Serena & Lily’s rattan hanging chair in this space – and TBH, I think it would have filled up the vertical space in such a dreamy way – but my practical side ended up falling in love with this cheap little rattan loveseat on Facebook Marketplace. (And my tiny pothos will do for now – I can’t wait to see it grow and fill out that space even more!)
This loveseat comfortably seats two (for those folks keeping track: we have officially quadrupled the amount of seating on this balcony!!!) and it’s my favorite place to lounge in the whole house. I usually stack up those pillows on the right hand side, closest to my window, and I prop my feet up on the bars when I’m doing some morning journaling. It’s just such a great, comfy place to watch the sun rise. (WHO AM I? Full disclosure: I am not nearly as goop-y as that made me sound, although I kind of wish I was!)

Palm Pillow | Cheetah Pillow | Cushion
SPEAKING OF PILLOWS. GUYS. I went all Sunbrella here – I, too, was #emfluenced by Em’s outdoor space at the mountain house – and I could not be more jazzed. I bought both of these pillows from an Etsy shop named OneHappyPillow and they are the BEST. The quality is top-notch (look at the piping! Immaculate!) and they’ve held up like an absolute dream over the past four months. Leana is such a kind and lovely person, too, and she sells all kinds of indoor and outdoor pillows. 10000/10, support this small Pennsylvania-based business!
And you see that cushion? IT’S INCREDIBLE. The loveseat came naked, so I was delighted when I found a Sunbrella bench cushion in the perfect size at Ballard Design. (They have everything!!!) I originally was a little nervous about going white – I mean, you saw how grimey my table got, and that’s metal! – but this fabric RULES, GUYS. It wipes up like a dream (I’ll have to post something on my IG stories later – I just take a wet towel to the cushion and any dirt buildup slides right off! Magic!)- and I feel SO CONFIDENT bringing food out here. I always thought that fabric could be either stain repellant or good in sunlight, but this somehow does both. The hype is real and well-earned! I grabbed a bunch of samples for my interior upholstery after seeing how great this stands up to the elements (including tiny kitty claws! How???) and I’ll be reupholstering my dining furniture in Sunbrella now, too. THANK YOU BALLARD. You made my white bench seat dreams come true. (PS. That blanket is Bowser’s, because of course it is. It’s so beautiful!)

End Table
And how could I not sing the praises of this little tiny ceramic end table? I searched for a while to find something so petite and this one fit the bill perfectly. It’s about 11″ at its widest point and it has the best light enough to move:heavy enough to be sturdy ratio. Plus, in a pinch, it can double as a FIFTH SEAT. Can you even believe it? We went from one seat option to FIVE. I should invite all my ex boyfriends and failed-talking-phase-dates back to celebrate!!!! As a side note, that is my actual work notebook – Bowser grabbed it off my desk for styling purposes – and I love it so much. I am a longtime Papier loyalist and their notebooks are worth every penny. I get all mine with the dotted paper layout and I can’t recommend them enough.
Bonus: I love that photo on the right because that’s really how it feels to be sitting in the space, you know? Like, you can kind of imagine what it’s like to slide that curtain all the way shut. It’s a nice, calm little respite away from the people screaming as they order Munchie Meals in the middle of the night.

AND THERE YOU HAVE IT. Here I am, enjoying a totally normal continental breakfast for two on my lonesome in the middle of the day. I’m never sitting here in a sports bra, ripping open some tin foil and devouring an 11 PM burrito with the curtains closed. NO NO NO. Not here!!! Styled-out-balcony-Caitlin pours filtered water (never Coke Zero!!!) straight from her beautiful $215 pitcher into beautiful, normal glasses that she definitely already owns. HA. Let me show you what this space ACTUALLY looks like when in use…

MUCH BETTER. And much more realistic, TBH. My goal was to make a space to enjoy with others and to that end, I guess I can proudly proclaim MISSION ACHIEVED. My balcony may overlook a lot of concrete (plus a road that would constitute a highway in a lot of tiny states) and she may not have all the glamour and flash of those Pasadena palm treetops, buuuuut she’s been host to lots of laughs, lots of joy, and SO many beautiful people over the last few months. (Like, CAN YOU BELIEVE THESE ARE MY FRIENDS AND NOT ACTUAL MODELS? Someone book Erik and Mal for a commercial ASAP!)

And I guess that’s where I’ll leave ya – my practical, functional, 5x improved balcony. There’s room to grow and there’s room for improvement but most importantly, there’s finally room for all the people I love. (Or for the people who, uh, you know, wanna come to my house and make soft pretzels.) Hope you all have the best weekend enjoying October with the folks who make you smile – I know where I’ll be 🙂 xx
*Design by Caitlin Higgins
**Styled by Emily Bowser
***Photos by Sara Ligorria-Tramp
Super cute!!! Your writing style is the real star, even more than your balcony!
Yes!! The link to CAT (Similar) killed me! 🤣🤣
Plus, an absolutely gorgeous space from a stunning makeover – this was SUCH a challenge and you nailed it!
Yes! I will never get over cat (similar). You’re awesome, Caitlin!
Agreed!! Delightful, witty, so cute!! I’ve been waiting for this reveal for months and it exceeded my expectations! Congrats on a beautiful space well done!!
Wow, this is stunning. I love how you managed to fit a dining and a lounging area, and I absolutely love the topiary plant and the mirror (I love an unexpected mirror and you so rarely see them on a balcony – it’s inspired).
It’s also interesting how the plants that were hung on the bars previously actually just drew attention to the barrier and made the space feel more closed in. By clearing the bars they are easier to visually disregard.
Re the table staining so easily, I would just go ahead and reframe that as “patina” – instant character!
Re the coffee on the ceramic side table – yeah, I wouldn’t drink that if I were you…
Caitlin, wow! Love every inch of your cleverly designed, super efficient and gorgeous space. It resonates with happy energy and good vibes, all the way from the sweet trailing pothos to the fabulous brass table to the humble runner under your feet. Let’s also pause to admire how amazing your striped curtains pair your dining room wallpaper!! I can only speak for myself, but your spaces are exactly the kind of design content that I love to explore. Sure, I can always head over to AD to see how the rich people are spending heaps of money on the latest and the greatest decor for their massive, custom built homes, but that’s not real. I much prefer to see you taking your down-to-earth, real-life spaces – fast food drive thru, prison bars, and all – and making them sing!
Cat (similar).
Yes, loved that!
Yep, this is the best link in the post 🙂
Ahhh! Caitlin posts are my favorite, and this was so satisfying!!!
Loved this and love your writing voice. Thank you for sharing!!
Absolutely beautiful! You did so much with so little. You are right that all that really matters is that you now have a place to host and spend time with the people you cherish. But you also made it look really fabulous! And honestly, the wallpaper on the inside is sort of part of the design too. I can not WAIT to see that room reveal! Way to go and thanks for sharing it with us.
CAITLIN!!! ITS SO GOOD!!!!! I am amazed at how much you A. managed to fit on there and B. how non-crowded (and of course very stylish!) it looks!! I absolutely love the loveseat what gorgeous piece and the balcony really extends your living room outwards nicely. This looks like a wonderful place to hang out and to enjoy with friends (and maybe also some other gentle-friends if you’re so inclined ;)) I always love hearing your writing-voice on this blog and I’m really happy you get to enjoy your wonderful home to the fullest now – please do give some pets to Fluffabo also, she looks wonderfully snuggly.
You have done it again. Absolutely perfection. I love the gold and black with wicker. Great job
Great job! It’s easy to make a beautiful space look more beautiful but I really appreciate seeing you tackling this challenging space!
So beautiful! Ballard Designs also has beautiful, affordable runners that are great quality. They do have everything! I highly recommend!
Nice work! And your writing is SO MUCH FUN to read! Chilewich floor mats maybe?
It’s a definite three-for-three for me! There’s a winsome energy to your design and writing style Caitlin, and it’s totally engaging. I also hope your reveals have been a positive for you because, y’know…different is good!
Caitlin, this is so fantastic! How about a Ruggable to replace your runner?
I can’t remember whether it was on here or Maria Killam’s blog, but just the other day I saw a couple of commenters praising Ruggable Rugs. I poked around the site and scanned their best sellers. It could be a solution for you, Caitlin. They certainly have some very flat flatweave rugs, and they seem to be hitting all the current trends and some classic styles that are popular right now. The commenters I read were discussing how easy they are to clean, though, so I guess that’s another thing. I had not heard of them before.
This made me so happy! I was so weirdly excited by that post early this summer when you two set up your balcony challenge, and I can’t tell you how many times I’ve hoped to see the reveal. I had given up hope (ha) but it was worth the wait! Bravo! And like other commenters have said, Caitlin’s posts are so funny and fun to read, with all that talent packed into the mix. Priceless! Someone buy Caitlin a second house so she has more spaces to decorate for us!
I think Caitlin did buy a house…from her hints in previous posts. Can’t wait to find out about it later this year!!
It looks amazing and was highly anticipated! You did such a great job of mixing bold and breezy. And of course, your writing style *chef’s kiss*. Such a fun read!
P.S: Am I the only one who immediately wanted a link to Mallory’s pants?
I nearly wet myself when I read “Cat (similar) “!!!😅🤣😅🤣 Buffalo is waaaay cute! How could he be returned, twice?!? HOW??? The outdoor curtains are genius…GENIUS!!! And you get to savour your wallpaper too! 💗 The loveseat is from IKEA (MASTHOLMEN) and I’m lusting after two chairs for my front verandah. Funny thing: you chose a white seat cushion aaaand, that’s what they come with…snap! It looks extremely cozy and I can imagine you snuggling in there with, say a ‘soft pretzel-making person’?😏 K, I’m not crazy about the fake plant, bc…plastic 🌏, but I get the reason why you did it. I probably would have had 3 hanging baskets of easy-care strappy, flowing foliage plants, hung at differing heights instead, coz you’re going to be watering your other plants anyway and the look would have been similar. Caitlin, I’ve been hanging out to see what you did with this really tricky space and you’ve totally transformed it into a truly liveable, cute and stylish outdoor space to be proud of!! CONGRAT’S!!! 💗 It’s a remarkable change you can enjoy your privacy ripping open foil packaged food while wearinb a sports bea in the privacy of your cleverly cyrtained balcony! Kudos, you… Read more »
Yay! I so look forward to your posts Caitlin. I love your style and adore your writing. This balcony is fantastic and such a great use of space. The curtains are an inspired choice and looks like just a great space to chill. Also- tell me more about your green sweater! You look fantastic and I’m loving the color and drape of it…
I love it so much! Such a bonus the way the outdoor curtains let you blur the line between indoor and balcony. Loved the picture with Erik’s cute little head sticking out the window! Got me thinking about “evening holiday soiree” potential for your balcony also!–in warm L.A., can’t you see a Christmas party where you include the balcony and either close the curtains, or add, say, a cane folding screen between them for the evening? Then–decorate both inside and out with candles and lights, and put on some old school holiday cocktail jazz music to go with the regency thing? You could make everyone dress up and be fancy 🙂 Anyway, got a little carried away, but you inspired me!
p.s. The Mirror! Such a genius idea on the balcony!
This space is so cute and charming! But the best part was the cat link to the animal shelter :).
beautiful balcony finally a post about thrifting and buying second hand pieces in addition to using new items.
this has been the best post all week! your writing style is excellent you she be a writer
You made the space very inviting! I enjoyed the virtual visit.
And thanks for praising Ballard Designs so that I was inspired to click on the link. I found the marvelous Mara Mini bathroom shelf on their site and ordered it – I’d been searching for the right size for over a month. Your timely post helped me with one of my design agonies!
Frankly, you worked a miracle here. YUP. AMAZING JOB!! (Also thanks for the real life comments on which finishes are hard or easy to clean and durability. )
Cute, except for the very fake plant. Why not getting a real one?
So good Caitlin! The curtains and boxwood totally makes it, and I LOVE the loveseat.
Agree the runner could be a little spicier. I have a covered outdoor space (in SF where it also barely rains) that needed door clearance and we put a Ruggable out there! Super flat and low pile, tons of options, and washable! Not technically outdoor but it gets daily use and so far so good. Not a huge investment for a runner either if it doesn’t work out long term.
Thanks for your lovely writing style, I always look forward to your posts!
Above wrote: The loveseat is from IKEA (MASTHOLMEN)
The whole thing is beautiful but that rattan love seat is hurting my heart, it is sooo amazing! Lucky score!
Above wrote: The loveseat is from IKEA (MASTHOLMEN)
Dear Caitlin,
I love you. Please do not compare your spaces to anyone else’s. You are a sparkling unicorn who compares to no one and with whom no one can compare.
I LOVE your spaces! The expert use of color and pattern to create joy, combined with all the vintage soul and true to you personality are so special. Thank you for sharing your spaces with us!!
VERY charming Lovely reveal and great writing. I really like your style! Ms. Fluffabo is the cutest, it hurts my heart to hear she was almost put down. I have 4 tiny comments: 1. Don’t worry about the brass patinaing that’s part of its whole European style charm. Every time it gets a stain you can just say to yourself ‘I don’t care’ . I am doing this with my reclaimed marble slab counters and it is working surprisingly well. 2. I would recommend a Persian/ moroccan/ vintage style acrylic/ plastic rug out there, they are designed to withstand tanks, the colors will disguise wear. Don’t need to be made for outdoors since you are in LA and don’t get much rain for them to hold so you have a lot of options.. I have also done did cheap beige outdoor carpet from big box stores in outdoor spaces and it was great – it wears well and you forget its there in like 10 mins. Its like a jute base layer for other cuter rugs. 2. I LOVE the mirror and I just want more mirrorage , like a huge mirror against that entire back wall reflecting that south… Read more »
Yes Misty Mountains, especially a mirror ball!! Caitlin deserves a mirror ball!!
I was thinking a taller mirror would be excellent too, for the reasons you gave, and it adds depth, texture and color with the love seats reflection –> I also like how tall, vertical rectangle mirrors can look like a portal to another space.
Caitlin, your balcony turned out wonderful!!! What a gorgeous home you are making!
Miss Fluffabo, is adorable and so glad you saved her!!! Cat (similar) link was a stroke of genius, and maybe it brings about an adoption! 🙂
Gorgeous! And what a find that rattan loveseat is. I love hanging chairs (I have two), but the loveseat seems more practical for all those dates!
Gorgeous! I love how you made it into, essentially, another room of your apartment. So often I feel like outdoor spaces end up disconnected from the interior, but this flows so beautifully!
For runner recs, I have a Dash and Albert indoor/outdoor runner in my interior hallway, and while I can’t speak to how it would be actually outside, I can tell you it’s definitely low-profile (no clearance issues with multiple bifold doors) and it cleans like a dream (ah, the joys of pet ownership). It’s showing a little wear from the dog’s nails after 2.5 years, but otherwise would def recommend. https://annieselke.com/Rugs/C3-Herringbone-Linen-Indoor-Outdoor-Rug/p/DA291
For anyone in the LA area, that exact bamboo loveseat was JUST posted on facebook marketplace!
Looks great! Do you happen to have a link to the ceramic end table? I didn’t see one in the post. It’s great! Thanks!
Awesome job! Wow. It now feels like a fantastic place to hang out whereas before…nope. I love the love seat and the way you laid out the space. Love your wallpaper and your pretty kitty, too!
Wow! This is all brilliant, plus I’m enchanted by your cat! (Not usually a cat person, either.) Very jealous of that rattan loveseat, too…
I love that you included a source for the cat! But I think the link is missing for the ceramic end table?
Loving all of your reveals!!! Will be referencing them for years. Please consider a post featuring your collection of whimsical and vintage tableware. To see your table set in its full happy glory would be fun and inspiring!
Lovely! What is the green color you used?
I want to know more about sunbrella for inside furniture. I am looking for a daybed/chaise that will be next to the cantina doors getting lots of sunlight (I heart sunlight and don’t want shades) so I want a fabric that is sun-resistant but also low maintenance clean-up, and had never thought of sunbrella fabric for inside before…
Woah!!! This is gorgeous, airy, comfy and quite elegant.
I have inspiration for my balcony now!
Your great writing style really brought your project to life. Love your cat and I would be very entertained hearing even more about your little lady. Gorgeous wallpaper as well.
I love your update so much!! You have greenery, comfy table and chairs, comfy loveseat. And Mr. Buffalo (HOW did u come up with that name for a CAT????) is so outstanding. You can see cat evil in his eyes, which is something all cats have. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!!!
This was such an inspiration for me.. thank you! You did a beautiful job! Sorry if it’s already been asked but where is the throw blanket from? I love it!
Love your patio makeover. The furniture is not too heavy for the space and yes..that runner is definitely a stinker. Lol. However, I am head over heels in ♥️ With that dining room wallpaper. Hubby hubba. 💋💋💋
I love that bistro table. I ordered it months ago and have been told it will be another two months. It must be sitting on one of those cargo ships in LA.
Absolutely Beautiful…. Its completely natural… Very breathtakingdelightful home… Wish to visit and have fun… The transformation is breathtaking… compact space perfectly used… Loved it…
Gosh you did it again! Super fun to read and knock-it-out-of-the-park balcony. Caitlin for the win!
Soooooo good. Totally on par with your bathroom and hallway, which is the highest compliment I can think of.
Those curtains totally do make the bars work. I never would have predicted that.
I just want to be in this space!
You. Are. Amazing.
Loved this so much!