Today, I am so pleased to show you the finished Scandi-farmhouse front porch – a space I barely thought about the last few years and turned out to be such a sweet fun outdoor room to hang (and swing). This reveal is part of our partnership with Sunbrella, to showcase their durable, comfortable, and beautiful fabrics that we can use year-round – including the swing cushion and pillows made with Sunbrella fabric and their new line of throws – and it gave me an excuse (and a much-needed deadline) to care about my own curb appeal. Now every time I drive up and see this sweet front porch I get very excited (and proud) of how it turned out.

Like many houses, this front door is not where we go in and out of very often – we use the kitchen and mudroom doors the most. In case you missed yesterday’s post about the process of the front porch remodel, here’s a “before” for you 🙂

So much has changed – we added a window on the second floor, demo’d out the patio, steps, and column, added the sunroom to the right, put in a new window where that big one was, re-sided the entire house, poured new cement steps, new wood railing, and iron railing, added lighting – everything (except the front door).

My goodness, it’s incredibly satisfying to see the transformation!! It screams “Emily” with the blue, copper, and large, strange wood bird that feels like a family member to us (and terrified our FedEx delivery guy). Please ignore the almost dead ferns that I bought two days before this was shot but clearly could barely keep them alive for the two days. While at times I want to add more color, in a lot of ways it’s exactly what I want it to be – light, bright, and chill (spoiler, since these photos were taken I added dark terra cotta pots that are so pretty and the now grown in yard makes this even prettier – more to come soon).

We kept the original door because we loved it. We painted it because repairing it to be stained would have been too expensive, then we realized the red was too flashy for me so we toned it down to this really beautiful blue called SW 9655 Mountain Pass by Sherwin-Williams. I LOVE IT. It’s so calm yet happy. I wonder if a lighter version of this color would be my perfect bedroom color?

Tall Planter (unavailable) | Wood Bird (vintage) | Wicker Side Table | Wood Swing | Swing Seat Cushion Fabric | Pillow | Throw Blanket | Wicker Pouf | Antique Blanket Chest (vintage) | Sconce | Copper Watering Can | Lanterns
I chose this hanging sofa, which had the option to add on a cushion made with Sunbrella Canvas White fabric – readymade. We’ve had it out there for months and it still looks brand new. It fits perfectly, wipes down or dusts off easily, and softens the lines of the wood so much. I originally bought that antique blanket chest from Aurora Mills for the powder bath, but it didn’t end up working in there (it was meant to be retrofitted as a vanity) and so we put it out here and LOVE IT. It’s covered so my hope is that the rain doesn’t age it too much, but if so we’ll store it for the winter. The top opens up so regardless I’ll store the textiles for the winter in there. I added this side table from World Market and I’ve had the wicker pouf for a while now, awaiting its debut.

Sunbrella also has new throw blankets and I was super impressed with the weight and quality of this one (really heavy and a great thick knit). The pillow is from Sien + Co, also made with Sunbrella fabric, and is a small broken stripe pattern (PISTA Denim). The whole color palette was restrained and I tried to marry the two styles of “farm” and “Scandi” without making it too busy or uncomfortable.

I love the lines of the hanging sofa so much – the joinery at the end is so pretty and the rope is the perfect vibe. We tried to replace the chain with rope (or any other material) but none of us could figure out how to execute rope unless it was doubled over (which was a possibility but honestly felt messy). We considered painting the chain black or white, replacing the chain with copper chain, but once it was styled out we realized that you don’t notice it at all (of course, I just called it out for you so now you’ll notice). It’s a great reminder that before pieces have any context it’s really easy to focus on the small details that you think are “not working” or “TOTALLY WRONG” and then when it’s fully decorated you don’t notice them at all (I feel like I relearn this lesson every day).

Butter will hop up here with me but Oscar not so much. The seat cushion, pillow, and blanket are all very pet-friendly and easy-to-clean should your animals also want to swing on your porch swing with you 🙂

A huge thanks to Sunbrella for partnering on this space and for providing such lovely fabrics for all of us to enjoy year-round, with our kids, pets, red wine, and fingers full of blackberries 🙂 Resources below!
This post was sponsored by Sunbrella but all words and opinions are all mine🙂
Bench: Danish Design Store
Bench Cushion: Sunbrella
Throw Blanket: Sunbrella
Pillow: Sien + Co PISTA Denim Outdoor Pillow
Lighting: Rejuvenation
House Paint Color: SW 7005 Pure White by Sherwin-Williams
Door Paint Color: SW 9655 Mountain Pass by Sherwin-Williams
Windows and Doors: White oak, Aspen Casement by Sierra Pacific Windows
Door Lock: Level
*Design by Emily Henderson and ARCIFORM
**Photos by Kaitlin Green
It’s so pretty! While I think the darker wood is unnoticeable I also wanted to say it would have been totally okay for you to check back in your emails to find what stain was agreed and if it was their mistake make them do it again. You shouldn’t have to live with someone else’s mistake just to keep the project moving or to avoid them getting annoyed. Or maybe you just picked your battles. Regardless I think its a remarkable transformation!!
I think the darker wood balances the lighter Scandi vibe of the furniture. I think it is a happy accident!
Verrry niiice!!!🤗
The blue front door is much more ‘you’ and (to me) more welcoming than the red was.
I, too, have a swing on my front verandah and have spent sooo much time on it – fabulous for sipping tea and chin-wagging with friends (we hold our mugs as we gently swing as all manner of tables haven’t worked).
I love the chest out there and hope it holds up – maybe estapol seal it in matt and it will look the same, but be much more weather proof?
I’d definitely love some new sunbrella seat cushions for my swing seat as mine are rather aged and just starting to fray in a couple of spots.
Your porch is a cozy, light and bright snuggle spot!
Looks so cozy and welcoming! Really love that tall wood bird — it’s just the right bit of quirky and yet doesn’t stand out too much. The vintage blanket chest also balances out all the new furniture. Thumbs up, too, on the color of the wood on the porch — it’s a nice contrast to all the light wood of the hanging bench and the stool, etc.
Am I the only one who always gets nervous sitting on hanging benches/chairs? I can’t shake that fear of faling. Lol.
I love the front door color and swing. I am curious really what is balancing on the bird’s beak…a martini glass?
I’m not sure what it’s supposed to be, but it is part of the bird sculpture(?), not a glass or anything else added on. I *think* you can put a candle in it, iirc from a long long ago post where it was at one of their CA homes. The bird thingy might even be a super quirky planter and that’s where you keep a small trailing plant like string of turtles.
Emily, what a great spot! You all will get so much use out of this space, and I have to say I think the stain on the porch floor is warm and grounding. It all looks so good together! Also, love the blanket chest – going to be on the hunt for one for our porch.
What a glorious transformation Emily! You look so comfortable and happy, and the porch is just how I like mine: filled with plants and a comfy place to sit. Would you be able to give us a photo of the entire facade of the house with the porch on it? Your before has the full house in view, while the first after is only a partial. I’d love to see the walkway and roofline? It’s so welcoming!
You have so many beautiful, relaxing spots to loll about that I don’t see how you get any work done! Is that bird balancing a martini on his beak? What a find!
It’s all very serene and lovely. I will say my experience with antique furniture in the elements will cause a faster demise to finish and construction. Heat, humidity, and sun are all reasons outdoor furniture is built to survive outdoor conditions and indoor/antique furniture does best living inside. Maybe consider having a replica constructed of that lovely piece for the outdoors.
What a cozy spot! Regarding your porch floor – I won’t comment on it because I know you have a lump in your throat about it already BUT I will share that when I finally got up the courage to paint my house black (before darn near everyone painted their house black) I landed on SW Caviar and emphatically specified low luster paint. Even though I work from home, I left for the day so I could have my tada! moment (and not chicken out when the first swath of black went up). I returned to a beautifully-painted (2 full coats) satin black house.
It looks fine and I’m (mostly) okay.
I left a painter alone in my newly purchased (empty) house to paint two bedrooms. The cost of SW paint was included in the price, so he got the paint. He used semi gloss on the walls instead of matte!! I was so shocked. Who would think to use semi gloss on walls (unless you’re going for a very specific look)? Eggshell, sure. Semi gloss?
My lesson: Take a look at the finish materials that tradespeople supply before going out for the afternoon.
I have done more than my share of both interior and exterior paint jobs. I learned very early on that when the painter provides the paint it often leads to problems. The paint supplied will likely be a cheap builder grade which is particularly bad in the case of an exterior job. This saves the painter a few dollars, and means you’ll be repainting sooner rather than later. I’ve also had painters “color match” my specified color in another, cheaper (usually big box) brand with less than stellar results. My lesson learned — never include the paint in the contract.
Provide the paint yourself to ensure you get the color/sheen and quality you want.
Yes, painters providing the paint is a problem! In my last renovation project, the painter proudly told me after he had painted the room that he mixed his own color on site to match our chosen paint color. So it was impossible to touch up!
Amen to this, sister. I had a nice yellow house and i told the painter paint it the same color. Woops, now i have a YELLOW house. I’m used to it now, but boy, that was a big surprise!
My husband decided to touch up our wall paint around the house…he used satin on our flat paint walls. Sigh. Now everything needs to be re-painted.
As one of those daily readers for years, can I just say “WOOOHOOOOO!”?! It’s easy to understand how this farmhouse as a whole has been such a personal and ever-so-public challenge for you, and this front porch is a breath of fresh air! Dare I say, it feels like Classic EHD in a sort of How Stella Got Her Groove Back way! It’s so good to see!!!
So I’m thinking, classic EHD might not be Scandi+Farmhouse here, it might be closer to Coastal SoCal+Farmhouse. No?
Didn’t the farmhouse start as intended shaker-esque?
Ahh so dreamy!
The happy relaxed front door, the mix of woods, the balance of old and new, the subtle playful bird, the pretty fabrics that won’t get ruined (Sunbrella makes blankets?!) – it’s all so good.
Off to pin like every shot 🙂
Yes, I had no idea that sunbrella made blankets.
IMO the dark wood stain provides a nice contrast to all the light wood tones and looks intentional rather than a mistake. If you’d gotten the color you’d wanted I fear it would all have blended in.
I agree, and love how the hardware on the blue chest ties in perfectly with the dark wood stain!
Agree. With all the mid to light porch colors the eyes don’t have a place to rest and focus. I love the Scandi look too but sometimes it suffers from the same problem., but these are the thoughts of someone barely even an amateur in the style department.
I’m so impressed in general with the saving of this old farmhouse! That front was really rough and now it’s beautiful. Love the door and porch. I kind of like the contrast of the dark floor with the white and think I’d let it go. Yes, sometimes it seems to read purplish, but how many people would stare at the deck if that wasn’t pointed out.
Ooh! I love this. So charming and relaxing feeling. I would be out there ALL the time. Looks like a very comfortable and peaceful space to spend lots of time. Enjoy!
I love the vibe! It’s totally Emily. You could weave a smaller gauge rope through the chain to disguise it. Its fine as is, but to me, since the chain actually falls away the sofa looks like its floating.
I love your front door color!
It’s beautiful! Do you find you spend much time out there? Or more like your imagination just likes having it available?
I absolutely love your home! So much that I just painted my small cottage the same colors (almost) and bought the same lights for outside! It fits my my modern Scandi sea captain vibe! And it makes me so happy! ☺I’d been struggling with picking the right colors and lights so Thank YOU!
I think the dark stain turned out beautiful here. It feels more old word and timeless, whereas a lighter wood would have felt more modern (but still pretty, no doubt.) This feels classic and like a beautiful nod to the history of the farm house.
I completely agree. When the door was red, the bright color with the dark-stained porch deck made a bold look, not what Emily was going for. But now that the door is that lovely blue, the deck stain gives just the right amount of contrast. And it sets off the paler seven-foot bird perfectly, too! The whole porch seems totally welcoming now. Thank you Emily for sharing the process and the results.
Being a very long time follower of Emily, I was shocked when the red door appeared. Shocked, i tell you (clutching my pearls remembering it now). It was beautiful, don’t get me wrong, but so not the Emily that i “know”. This color is also beautiful and makes me know it’s the real Henderson family’s house!
LOVE this sooo much!!!
What a beautiful result of such a long process! This is such a ” Emily” space – so calm, beautiful and warm/inviting space. I also the think the stain looks lovely as is and love the new door color. I can totally see an iteration of it in your bedroom. Congratulations to you and your whole team on creating this beautiful space – I can so picture a nice morning tea out here or hot cocoa and blankets in a nippy evening. I had to pin it for the calm feeling it eminates. Love it.
Nothing speaks to me more than a cozy front porch. I love the swing, copper lights, and of course Mr. Bird. Well done! The soft tone in the door is lovely and I’m so glad you changed it. I don’t mind the darker wood decking either, but I can understand why you were disappointed. It reads more West Indies than farmhouse. On a positive note, it will probably be easier to keep clean!
Gorgeous porch! I adore time on my porch swing, it’s my favorite place to read, watch the birds, take a nap… Personally I think the darker stain on the floor is a great happy mistake. The lighter color wood of the poof, the table, & the tall bird contrast nicely, and you don’t need to worry about muddy foot/paw prints straining the light color wood.
I’m surprised you didn’t paint the porch ceiling a traditional pale blue.
I LOVE the blue door! I love that you love Aurora Mills!
Such a beautiful porch!! Would you please be so kind to let me know the name of the plant to the left of the black lanterns on the blanket chest? (Love that chest too!!). I believe it is the same plant that Emily has in her sunroom, which moves around the house regularly 😉 Thank you!
Such a cozy, beautiful space! So relaxing, and I love the colors! That porch swing reminded me of my grandpa who built 2 of them for my grandma so she can read the paper and get an afternoon nap. They were similar, but a little more heavy duty, with chains instead of rope and thicker seat cushions.
I love the tree in the corner, the beautiful side table and the cute pouf (although it is a bit expensive for outdoors, IMO).
Couldn’t help noticing there is another house at the back in the “After” photo. Do you have neighbors, or is it a part of the property for us to enjoy in the next reveals?
did you ever think of using brick for the front and back stairs? I wish I had brick stairs…mine are stained cement steps now! I like the vertical detail under the porch.
love the door color. IMO I’d lose the smaller pot on the left of the door, move the bigger pot there and move the bird closer to the door where that right pot is. it would look more interesting
So cozy. I love the swing and blue door, all the elements look very inviting. The mix of vintage, textiles, and new works really well. My only question on design, which may have been a cost thing is I am surprised by the iron rail and concrete steps. I picture stone slab steps for a farmhouse – scandi design and a wooden railing that matches the porch railing. Maybe these are harder to get out west?
She said on the back patio post that they did concrete for the steps for budget reason. There are lots of steps on the house.
Or maybe just clad the cement steps in the brick of the walkway?
This is a beautiful transformation. I love the color of your door – it looks green to me! It reminds me a lot of what we used in my house – Benjamin Moore 1567 – could be great for your bedroom!
Would love to know a source or a recommendation for tall planters! I love the ones you!
Just wanted to comment on Oscar not wanting to jump up. We had to same issue with one dog who’d jump on the rocker, and one who was absolutely terrified by the movement!
“Farmhouse Curb Appeal Complete! Our Very Cute Front Porch Makeover” has left me absolutely inspired and eager to transform my own front porch! This makeover showcases the perfect blend of rustic charm and inviting coziness.