We are ALMOST done with what I’m calling the “art barn” but is really a flex space – kids for summer and playdates, me when I need to finish work because when I’m working in the sunroom the kids beg me for screentime and the dogs bark in my face like I’m their personal fetch concierge. Do we need this room? Nope. Do we love having it? YES. So far, this summer we’ve had three weeks where my best friend’s 16-year-old son (aka the “coolest person on the planet,” shout out to Jay) watched our kids and their friends, spending a lot of time out there making sculptures out of air dry clay, DIY stickers, and likely ample wrestling. It’s almost ready to shoot. It’s fine as-is, but with a simple pattern on the floor (and some sealant) it will be that much better/way more fun. It’s meant to be a creative space so why not??
What you have to remember is that we have upholstered cushions in vintage quilts (many quilt toppers that were falling apart) and then all the walls are clad in a basic pine. What you don’t know is that I have dreams (that will happen) of painting a Scandinavian-style flower mural on the outside of the barn. I wanted to do it this year but our summer was so busy and I “might” have totally overcommitted myself. Now the mural might need to wait til a week of non-rain (July? LOL). I’m trying hard to squeeze it in before November, but that’s all to say that there will be BIG color and BIG pattern on the outside of the barn. Then you walk in and see a green lounge-y sofa and all these vintage quilts, something less WILD on the floor will probably be best. Here are my thoughts:
I like the mono-chromaticness of all the pine. I just want it to look more finished and intentional. I’m obsessed with how this room is turning out and if I weren’t such a design enthusiast I would call it good enough. But I can see the potential and I’m not going to stunt this room. I’m going to go for it.
The Pattern Options
While I thought about doing a floor mural, since there is going to be a mural on the outside this should be quieter (that’s best for me, some personalities could handle more). I don’t want to do anything too trendy or “now” nor do I want to do something that will take two weeks to execute. So from the beginning, it was always going to be a combo of white-washed wood and raw wood – a simple pattern, sealed on top.
Off-Set Stripe?

An easy go-to is to use the current floorboards to lean into the pattern – a stripe, off-set stripe, or broken stripe. I mean, NO ONE likes a broken stripe more than me. Here are some ideas:

But these feel a little less interesting to me and also less classic (even though typically I think that stripes are the most classic).
A Diamond Callback?
The truth is I fell in love with doing an angled checkerboard pattern and it feels so right (and a fun call back to our sunroom) so no other pattern had a winning chance. I want to do this but with an unexpected border. And I think that the execution won’t take weeks – we just need to decide on the size, scale, and location and then tape off the non-stained squares after choosing a border – you KNOW I love a border. But the question is really about scale…
Oh, and Gretchen (who made these graphics, THANK YOU!) also showed a non-border option just so we could all see.

Here is the largest scale and I do like it. Plus, the fewer the diamonds the easier the prep, right??

Originally, I thought that a medium scale like this one would be best though. Not visually too much but has a bit more going on than the largest scale. Also, I’m really liking the border:)

Now, while I think the medium size will be best, I just wanted to see what the pattern would look like if we made the diamonds the size of the individual planks. A part of me thinks that could possibly be easier but also I’m not 100% sure that all the planks are the same size. All the things to consider:)
So while I’m a huge fan and will almost surely do the diamonds with a border, what do you all think? Stripes, Offset? Which scale of diamonds? Let me know what you think! xx
Gorgeous! Big diamonds with border – beauteous.
Totally – the biggest diamonds with a border. Love it!
Large scale diamond with the border!
Personally, I like the largest-scale diamonds with a border – the medium- and small-scale diamonds are just too busy with the quilt patterns and what I imagine is other furniture, but the addition of the border with the large diamonds keeps it visually interesting. I think floors should be a little bit grounding (literally, haha) and the larger scale anchors the room a bit better.
I vote for big diamonds, no border. The other options seem too busy, especially with the quilts. Can’t wait to see what you do! What a great space.
I agree!
Either stripe – full board or half board. Let the quilts shine!
Large scale diamonds with border – no contest
The medium diamonds!!! Love
I really like the solid stripes. The other patterns seem a little too busy, although the diamond/harlequin pattern *is* cute. The broken stripe is almost dizzying!
The large diamonds without the border. To me, the border is too distracting.
Loving the medium diamonds with border! It seems the coziest to me, like the space is complete and intentional. Maybe I’m influenced by your opinion but I’m okay with that 😅
Ooh, how fun! I like the width of the planks stripe option best, followed by the large diamonds. While the border is cute, I worry that it might end up looking too busy, with the quilt cushions, and all other items that will be in this room when you’re done designing/decorating.
Go with your gut! Medium diamond with border, whitewash is my vote. Border makes it feel intentional, and the scale makes the room feel bigger but not too busy.
Love the border! However, I actually like the large scale diamond the best – most variety vs the pattern on the quilts, harkening back to the “lessons” on how to pattern mix effectively by varying the scale. If you go stripe, I like the broken stripe a lot – but I can see why you are leaning toward diamond!
Love the large-scale diamonds, with the border. The smaller diamonds look awfully busy to me.
Large diamond, no border. Keep it simple and classic!
My vote goes to the wide white simple stripes. Let the quilts and the art you will no doubt put on the walls be the stars.
I think the biggest diamonds work best since they compliment the quilts but are a different scale. The floor is gonna be wonky with sizing so big diamonds in my experience would be the most fun and easiest to execute.
Obviously you should do what excites you 🙂 It it were my home, I’d probably do the broken stripe, based on the photos, but it may be that wouldn’t work as well in person with all of the lines across ceiling, walls, floor, etc. The diamond pattern may work better in the space by breaking up some of the parallels. Look forward to seeing what you end up with!
I like the classic stripe in a complimentary colorway, personally. The quilts seem like the star of the show and another big pattern draws the eye away. Just my two cents. It’s going to look lovely. I can’t wait to see the mural designs you are contemplating. I’ve been pinning exterior murals and there are so many lovely designs to choose from!
I like the large scale! It’s fun but not too busy, and I think it looks great with the border. 🙂
Large scale diamond pattern, with a border. Stain, not paint! Perfect! Smaller scale just seems too busy. Plus, the large scale will end up being less work to execute.
Tonal diamonds! Keep the designs to a natural wood stain. Pretty, versatile, and maybe not as distracting from the art or whatever you decide to make/do in here. A blanker canvas.
It’s a no brainer, the biggest squares
I grew up in an east coast town littered with farmhouses, so I feel like I know “farmhouse” on a truly visceral level – and I’m with the medium scale diamonds all the way. It’s classic and you’ll never get tired of it, and when you do, you can just change it!
So fun! My vote is for big diamonds, no border – I think the smaller size with the border feels too matchy with the quilt idea. And I’m really excited to see your plans for the mural outside!
This is probably the mom talking in me but I’d ask the kids what they like best! I loooove the stripes.
First choice is your original- medium size diamond with a border! Second choice is the large scale diamond with a border. Third choice is the broken stripe. The regular stripe is too boring, the small diamond is too busy.
I am very excited to see the reveal of this colorful, playful space!
Oh how fun! I am especially excited about the scandivian outside mural 😀 but am loving those inside plans too! I am with you, I also like medium size with border the best! The border makes it look intentional and I think the large scale diamonds make the room look to small and the small scale are too busy for me… I am excited to hear how it goes!!
The classic and simple pattern, striped not broken. You can play with the other elements, pillows, blankets etc, without it being too busy. Always elegant never boring.
I love the small diamonds with a border. Even maybe a wider border to create a rig like effect! No to the stripes all together even the broken ones. Not enough interest for me.
Large diamonds all the way!!
The medium diamond with the border is very, very, very beautiful !!!🤩
Diamonds! Painted instead of stained.!?!
Medium diamonds!
Medium diamonds with border is my vote
Let the beautiful wood just be a d bring in color and pattern elsewhere. 💛
Definitely medium to large size diamonds with border! Otherwise it’s too crazily busy!
Medium or large diamonds. No border. No stripes. Isn’t it funny how we all like completely different things for probably the same reasons? 🙂
In this space, with the busy (and darling) quilt upholstery, I lean toward staining the whole floor blue with no pattern or stripe!
Totally agree with a solid color floor. The quilts call out to be the star and need the quiet of a solid color to shine.
Agreed! I think the lines of the woodwork and the patterns of the quilts are enough pattern, but a blue or another solid from the quilts would tie together the various fabrics and pack a nice visual punch. Can’t wait to see the outside mural!
I love the big checks! But, personally, I think it’s “cleaner” without the border!
Another vote for large diamonds
no border!This is going to sound boring in comparison…
How about a border to tie the floor to the quilts and then a solid floor (either painted or not) to allow the quilts to shine like the stars they are? More color, texture, or pattern could be added with a rug of some kind, if desired.
Team broken stripe FOR SURE. Love love love to see how fun this is.
Large diamonds, no border! I did this in my log house kitchen years ago and it still looks fresh. I think the border makes it too “precious” and competes with the quilts. When I did it, I lightly scored the wood around the diamonds, which kept the watery stain from spreading into the unstained area. Then I taped them off and applied stain very lightly until I liked how it looked. Then I finished with watco danish oil which dried quickly and made a solid finish with little odor. It was a fun project and that we 20 years ago. Still looks classic and has held up beautifully. The danish oil can be reapplied as often as you like if you notice the surface wearing thin.
Medium diamonds , with border, love the idea of stain for the diamonds…
large size diamond
Large scale diamonds with border! I love the contrast of the big diamonds with the smaller border stripe.
Large diamonds no border – makes the room look bigger to me. Also love the stripes though….!
I vote medium with no border. Normally I love a border but bc the space is on the smaller side, having no border makes it appear bigger.
Yes, I normally prefer a border, too, but with the narrow size of this space, the border just emphasizes its narrowness.
Definitely go with the big diamonds,