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Jess Bunge (bun-ghee): DC born, Southern California raised, 5’ 3” and 3/4s (unchanged since the 7th grade), eldest child, ex-Irish dancer, theatre major with a motorcycle license but can only safely drive a scooter. As a young gal, she collected “bad guy” Disney figurines, was truly obsessed with Hanson (Zach forever) and at age 8 hit a grand slam off of a bunt. Later in life, four days after graduating from SFSU, she moved to NYC for five years to then go down under to Melbourne, Australia before finally landing in LA. So after four major cities, three significant relationships, two hairstyles (side part and center part) and one Jess, she’s pretty grateful to be where she is. But please note one of her greater accomplishments was overcoming a solid medium stutter.
Sign/Enneagram/Myer-Briggs/Hogwarts House:
Libra / 9 (The Peacemaker) / ENFP-T / Hufflepuff
Design Aesthetic in 5 words:
Modern. Natural. Euro-Wannabe. Abstract Crazed.
Favorite EHD Room Of All Time:
The Fig House, because it was the room that first made me a fan of Emily.
Favorite Instagram Follow:
@beerbottles_chainsaws. Crystal Anderson’s personal style is unparalleled, she is funny, soulful and her relationship with her fiance, family and dog make me believe in true love. She is no one but herself. I dare you to not be inspired.
Title of Memoir:
“The Center Parted Life: A Mostly Failed Attempt at Balance In All Areas”
Silliest Secret Single Behavior:
I have become boring in my adulthood and could only think of bleaching my stash at home, but when I was younger, I would sing into a fan (because it sounded cool?) and harmonize with my favorite bands…yes, including Hanson (but not Mmmbop). I think I need to get reacquainted with my younger weirder secret self.
Most Likely To…
cry about anything remotely sentimental. (The question, “OMG. Jess are you crying?” is asked weekly.)
Favorite Place To Shop For Home Decor:
As a hardcore indecisive Libra, this question is ACTUAL torture. I would say Etsy and Chairish. Lots of options but there are SO many others.
Favorite Place To Shop For Fashion:
Madewell and Zara (though if money weren’t less of an issue, I’d go with Lisa Says Gah)
Dining Room Rug:
Reversing Book Spines:
Wallpaper or Paint?