My Posts

Why Rashida Chose Blue Walls For Her First TWO Client Makeovers (+ What She Learned)
The RIGHT Way To Paint Your Kitchen Cabinets and Save $$$ (Factory Finish Guaranteed)
Growing up in a classic Brooklyn, NY Brownstone (before they were cool), Rashida now resides in Washington, DC with her husband and two dogs. Her love for design started with the OG HGTV shows “Trading Spaces” and “While You Were Out”. And yes, she had gold sponged walls growing up. Talk about a 90s trend! She’s most likely to be found in a Starbucks drive-thru line because “Priorities”! When she’s not designing she loves watching rogue secret agent movies, singing and dancing, cracking up at every dog misbehaving in public, and spending time playing card games with her family! Oh, and Cashewmilk ice cream is the greatest invention of all time!
Sign/Enneagram/Myer-Briggs/Hogwarts House:
Aries / 6 “The Loyal Guardian” / I forget lol / ?????
Design Aesthetic in 5 words:
Modern Classic Brooklyn Brownstone
Favorite EHD Room Of All Time:
Favorite Instagram Follow:
Title of Memoir:
“Forever Planning, Forever Deciding: Confessions of a Perfectionist”
Silliest Secret Single Behavior:
I love dancing off key! But don’t get it twisted!! I can actually dance. It’s just more fun off key. Everyone should try it.
Most Likely To…
Find me SINGING! I sing for everything. I know just about every commercial song out there.
Favorite Place To Shop For Home Decor:
CB2, Thrift Store, Facebook Marketplace 🙂
Favorite Place To Shop For Fashion:
Dining Room Rug:
Not my jam
Reversing Book Spines:
Most Definitely!
Wallpaper or Paint?
Paint for sure!
Yes, but for other people 🙂