My Posts

Middle child (4th out of 6), 56th generation Utahnian, former Mormon, and serial monogamist (been with husband 19 years). I grew up by a creek in rural Oregon but lived in New York and then LA for 20 years now. I used to can my own tuna and I’m sensitive to being called either “albino” or “bubbly.” I like any TV show that involves teenagers almost kissing and dislike violence in a violent way. I have two small kids and two dead cats.
Sign/Enneagram/Hogwarts House:
Virgo / 7 / No Idea
Design Aesthetic in 5 words:
Happy, vintage-inspired (any decade) with a heavy dose of ‘Footloose meets Marie Antoinette’ (that’s five words, right?)
Favorite EHD Room Of All Time:
Turning that barn into a hotel lobby (for the Samsung partnership) was a fantasy job and it was just such an exciting space.
Title of Memoir:
“I Said ‘Yes,’ Had Fun, Made Soup and One Time, I Sat Down.”
Silliest Secret Single Behavior:
I don’t put lids on things. Sometimes, I rest the lid on top of the jar but don’t screw it, which is far worse for the next person that shakes it.
Most Likely To...
Inconveniently rest a lid on a jar.
Favorite Place To Shop For Home Decor:
Flea market (and of them)…And Target. Duh.
Favorite Place To Shop For Fashion:
Ulla Johnson and Madewell.
Dining Room Rug:
Reversing Book Spines:
Yay (but just during Halloween or when super necessary).
Wallpaper or Paint?
Yay and Nay